Becoming Ministries

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How To Share Jesus With Your Friends Who Aren't Christians


Ever overcomplicate this question, "How can I share Jesus with her?", sometimes to the point where you work yourself up so much that you end up not saying anything at all? OR you so badly want to share what God has done in you with your friends who aren't Jesus followers but you just don't know how to start the conversation & share in a way that's not pushy?!

You are NOT alone! These are big, real questions that so many of us struggle with. But I also think many of us overcomplicate far too much, because we begin with putting all of the pressure on ourselves. "I have to say the right things", "Don't be too pushy Lanissa", "Maybe that powerful part of the story isn't necessary... it might freak them out"... Girl. I've been there.

But the power of our Jesus story and the impact it can have on others, is NOT found in us or our eloquence in sharing it.

I love how scripture says, "They conquered the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. They weren't in love with themselves, they were willing to die for Christ." Revelation 12:11

All of this is for His name's sake. It ISN'T our job to save people, only the Lord can do that. It ISN'T our job to force people to believe in Him, only He can give faith to someone in the perfect moment. Our job is to follow Jesus by surrendering our lives to Him and letting Him guide us, and then simply letting what He has done in us overflow out of us.

We don't have to be Bible Scholars to effectively share our faith. PRAISE JESUS! And we don't have to know all of the answers to people's questions. We just have to be willing to let God use us and to be obedient in the moments where He nudges us and says, "why don't you share my love with them?" and "why don't you start praying for that person's eyes and ears to be open so that they can receive me and my good news?"

If we can be obedient in those moments, the rest is up to Him. He will soften their hearts to receive His salvation, in the perfect time. The power of your testimony and the words of truth that you spoke over that friend will not return void. You will have planted a seed of truth in them that WILL spring up at some point. And sometimes God may use you to lead that friend to the Lord right then, or you may just be a powerful step in their journey to Him. Both are extremely valuable!

It's all for His glory. Not ours. So let's take the pressure off to be Him, and just be us. Who YOU are is exactly who your friend needs. You may be the only example of Jesus they ever meet today or in the near future- this is our chance to be the hands and feet of Jesus. To shower people in true love, not judgement. To present the opportunity for them to hear about what God has done in us & in turn CAN do in them. This is the power of sharing our testimony, it releases hope to the hopeless. And it is in the hope of Christ, and what He has done on the cross that we are saved. Romans 8:24-25

We don't have to stress. We were MADE for this, created to be vessels for Him to shine through. Here are some powerful steps to help you Share Jesus With Your Friends Who Aren't Christians:

1. Don't expect your friends to act like Christians if they aren't.

This is huge. Holding other's to your Christian expectations, when they haven't encountered and chosen to follow Jesus, is only going to set you up for disappointment. Meet people WHERE they are, and love them right there by being their friend EVEN if you don't agree with them.

2. Before you share, show that you care. But seriously. Build a relationship!

Start by asking about THEM! Show that you truly care about who they are & what they are going through by asking them how they are really doing & feeling, taking time to just listen and caring for them in that moment. Take some time, whether a few minutes OR a few coffee dates and build some trust with them. Time and then trust allows people to be open to receiving Truth from y o u when you share it.

3. What has Jesus done for you or taught you, or what have you learned about Christ that can directly relate to your friend and encourage them?.

Don't take what He has shown you for granted, it's not on accident! Draw on it to encourage and be relatable with your friends. Tell them how Jesus met you and your needs and then encourage them that He wants to do the same for them.

4. Be bold & simply share your story. Here's an idea of how to start,

"I know what it feels like to _______. A bit ago I was really struggling with _______, I felt ___ and ___ and so I went to God and asked Him to ____. And this is what He did and how it was seriously powerful and changed my life." It doesn't have to be eloquent, just talk about your experience with Jesus. In your o w n way! Trust that God chose YOU to share with them in this moment for a reason.

One thing I love to do is to practice my Testimony under 5minutes. Here's what I cover: what life was like & what I struggled with before Christ, how I encountered Him and how He has changed my life. Give it a try! We usually don't have a ton of time to share our story, especially with strangers, so sharing your Testimony in a short 5min is so powerful for those in the moment opportunities!

5. When asked questions about God or the Gospel, it's o k a y to NOT know the answer.

Simply say, "You know I'm not sure. But I'd love to look it up or ask my Pastor, mentor or small group leader and find an answer for you." They aren't looking for perfection, they are looking for real people struggling with things just like them who can find a real hope in Jesus.

6. Find moments to intentionally encourage them.

Throughout the week, or during your conversation, intentionally encourage them by loving them where they are and asking their permission first before sharing some relatable scriptures with them.

7. Be their cheerleader. Speak life over them.

You may be the only one is who in intentional enough to do this over them- take the opportunity! And mostly, believe in them and who God has called them to be. Stand by them, walk WITH them and love them through t h e i r journey.


CHALLENGE: Find a friend this week & intentionally encourage them using one of these steps!


xo, Lanissa Spoon

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