Becoming Ministries

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Knee Jerk Doom (their story of loss is not a prophecy of your future)

KNEE JERK DOOM IS REAL. When you have experienced loss, pain, heartbreak… it’s easy to begin to PICK UP fear wherever you can find it.

Often when you scroll on Social you see someone’s story of pain, grief or even death. Maybe they miscarried again, their loved one got diagnosed with cancer…. they are living out your greatest fear.

AND YOU THINK “See this is proof and even God warning me that this is going to be apart of MY STORY too.

Can I ask you an honest question? Does your KIND GOD work like that?

Would He really warn you or “protect” you through FEAR?

No. 💛

Man, have I been there. Social media is a mix of joy and fear… you just never know what you’re going to scroll upon next..

So you take on their story of loss or pain and make it mean a PROPHECY of YOUR future.

You begin to feel this looming doom & believe that this is God’s story for you.

Because it feels like it’s all you are seeing.

BUT HERE’S THE TRUTH sweet friend, that person’s story of pain is NOT y o u r story.

📖 In Ezekiel 13 the Lord says, “Say to those who prophesy from their own hearts, ‘Hear the Word of the Lord.’ .. You have disheartened the righteous falsely, although I have not grieved him.”

So often we begin to prophesy things over our life that simply did not come from God as a “word for our future” and instead are based in fear.

What if the Lord hasn’t intended for you to feel this constant low grade anxiety over your life? Waiting for confirmation of your fear around the corner.

Friend. If GOD didn’t say it over your life, you don’t need to cling to it as truth for your future. 🕊🙌🏻

Instead the Lord is asking you to take time to personally hear what word He is speaking over your life and to cling to that.

And spoiler alert? It is a word of PEACE. Always.

>> He wants you to walk in His p e a c e, no matter the difficult circumstance you may endure. Because the Prince of Peace goes with you in it all.


Let Him alone define your future. He will always speak to you in multiple ways. You don’t have to rely on how you feel.

Take a deep breath, your story is full of God’s peace! 🙌🏻🕊 His GOOD plan for your life is NOTHING to be afraid of.

There is nothing to fear.

AND REMEMBER- God gives you grace to walk through what you’re ACTUALLY going to walk through WHEN you walk through it. God does not give you grace for some made up “what-if” that you’ve claimed as Truth but is actually based in fear.

It’s time to lay it down.


Love you,
