Finding Your Way to His Presence: Recognizing His Voice

Becoming Tribe! We are absolutely loving this Devo Series so far & the conversation we're getting to have with each of you through our Blog and Instagram Comments! Let's continue to grow together as we discover avenues in which we can Find Our Way to His Presence!



I remember the first few weeks after I got saved as a High School Freshman being full of so many questions. But the one that seemed most important was "how am I supposed to actually hear God?!" I knew it was important. I knew I couldn't do this Christian walk without having the guidance of His voice- but I think the mistake I made is that I thought that there was one clear moment I had to have, and then I would begin hearing Him constantly.

Ever felt that way?! We want it to be easy- hearing from Him. But friends, something the Lord is teaching me so sweetly right now is that He is SO MUCH more interested in the process of our lives than simply just giving us what we think we want and bringing us to an end result. HE is in the process. And recognizing His voice is a beautiful process that we get to go on with Him, as His children. A daughter learning Her Father's voice. A sheep knowing the sound of their shepherd.

One of the hardest things I feel like I deal with quite often is determining which voice is mine, God's or the enemies!! I know I'm not alone here. It's frustrating because our heart's just want to hear His at the end of the day. But He knows the purpose in each voice. He wants us to embark on the process of spending time with Him and learning about His characteristics in Scripture so that we can determine what He is like and what He would say. And what is clearly not in His character.

We can learn to Find Our Way to His Presence through Recognizing His Voice by embarking on the process of getting know our God. How?Intentionally sitting and listening to Him. Getting to know Him through His word and spending time sitting in His presence. And here's the fun one: even stepping out in faith and moving on what we think He is saying, and allowing ourselves to be wrong.

God wants to teach us something powerful. Sometimes the process looks like stepping out in faith and failing. And then getting back up and realizing that He was faithful even when we didn't hear Him correctly that time. How can a child learn to trust His parents if they don't show them that they are present and constant even in the hard times of that child's life?

Here's the promise.

Deuteronomy 4:29 "But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul”

If you intentionally get to know the Father and build your OWN relationship with Him- He will live inside of you and you WILL begin to hear His voice. It looks differently for all of us. He speaks in different ways- through our feelings, by just "knowing" in our spirit, by seeing in the Spirit, through wise council or even hearing an audible voice. He speaks to us uniquely, but He is constant. You were created to recognize His voice clearly, and I believe that you WILL! Let's begin the journey together!

Today's Challenge: Let's go deeper together! Answer these question in the comments below and we will chat back with you about it! Do you feel like you have a hard time recognizing His voice? Are you willing to start the process of getting to know Him and stepping out in faith when you think you hear Him?

THEN today take atleast 15min to sit down and tell God you are ready to start this process with Him. Ask Him to speak to you uniquely, then read and sit in His presence for a few minutes. Begin your process!

