Becoming Ministries

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Navigating The Season of Job Searching (practical tips & encouragement)

Hello, sweet friends! I am so excited to be chatting with you guys today on a subject that is SO REAL in our young woman stage of life: the season of Job Searching. And I'm so thankful that I get to talk about it with y o u. #becomingtribe- I seriously love each and every one of you and I would love to chat with you one on one in the comments below! Come chat? Now, let's get comfy and be honest for a few minutes. Job searching as a post-grad/20something can be a roller coaster. For me personally, it's been thrilling, overwhelming, nerve wrecking and exciting all at the SAME time hahaha! If you've been there, or are there, then you can probably totally say "Amen to that!".

When I graduated College with my Ministerial Leadership Degree I entered into a season of trying to find a job in my desired field, to learning how to be confident and equipped in interviews, figuring out how to handle rejection (s o fun- enter eye roll!); not to mention all the mixed emotions, late night prayers and constant opinions from others in between. See? Roller Coaster.

Here's the truth. God knows the deepest desires of your heart (even if you don't yet). He knows what passions and gifts He's given you & He knows what you're called to do. But most of all, He knows what you need most and when. You are not forgotten by the Lord, in this season. So, wherever you may be in the process- TAKE HEART.

5 practical tips (& encouragement)- keep reading, this is where it gets GOOD!  

  1. Don't Neglect Your Resume- It's Time to Show Them What You're Made Of!

When writing your resume, don't be so bashful- this is the time to brag on what God's allowed you to learn and experience sista! Be honest about your previous roles & what you gained that you believe is valuable. Whether it's previous jobs, internships or smaller opportunities that impacted & taught you greatly- they are worth mentioning!

Especially if you're a post-grad and haven't had a job in your field yet, flaunt that Degree or previous hands on experience and all it's taught you (which is a lot of fresh/up to date knowledge and passion!). The bottom line is, God has given you talents, abilities and passions to do what you're called to do well. Be confident in that, and show it by intentionally crafting your Resume!

2.  Interviews Don't Have To Shake Your Confidence

Want to know a secret that's grown my confidence in interviews? Just as much as this interview is you looking for a great position, it's equally as much the employer hoping that the next person who walks into that interview is their gal. The one who can take this position and rock it. They don't want to keep interviewing a ton of people every day. & guess what, friend? That gal can be you!

I've been so nervous walking into interviews before, but right before I get out of my car I try say to myself, "You got this. You are capable, talented, anointed and have everything you need to succeed. You have the Spirit of the Lord living inside of you giving you confidence and directing your steps" (Pslam 37:23). Then I pray for Him to guide my words, check my lipstick and walk in confidently haha! Also, wearing an outfit you love & feel confident in is a PLUS!

3. Take Steps of Faith (even when they scare you to death!)

Be brave, friends! Apply for the job that seems like a dream and pursue opportunities that the Lord opens the door for even if they kinda scare you to death, be willing to take steps of faith WHEN He says go! If He has given you a God sized dream (one you know you can't accomplish on your own), and is saying now is the time- then say yes, take the next step forward & watch Him provide! (Deuteronomy 31:6- GOOD!)

For me it's pursuing a career in writing and discipling women! Talk about a God sized dream! Ah!

4.There's Purpose In Rejection. Trust His Process.

One the b i g g e s t things I have learned is that as much as I would love to rush the Lord and make my dreams come true right this moment, His process for me is much more valuable. So in the midst of pursuing my dreams, working hard & finding confidence in Him, I also have to  learn how to trust and obey when He says, "Actually, right here is where I need you most".

Maybe that job saying, "We decided to go in a different direction" means that the Lord has something better just around the corner, but maybe it also means that there is more He wants to do in you right here. Seek Him first, above your dreams and deepest desires- and He will give you all that you need. Right when you need it. Find joy where He has you & allow Him to lead you beautifully through your season- whatever it ends up looking like.

5. It's OKAY If You Aren't Sure Yet

As a teen-20something it's so easy to feel like everyone around us has it all together, and is getting to where we wish we were- w a y faster. Feeling like we have to have our next 5 years planned out and completely confident in what we want to do for a living. But thank the Lord we do not have to have it all figured out, in fact most of the times I thought I had something "figured out", the Lord had way better (& different) plans in store.

If you aren't sure what you want to do as a career yet, even if you've Graduated College with a Degree, be encouraged- It's OKAY. You serve a God that allows you to take the pressure off of yourself. This season that you're in has a purpose & it's where you are supposed to be, where God wants to teach you, mold the deep desires of your heart and give you what you need to pursue them when the time is right.

So don't rush it, even when you feel the pressure to- God is preparing you. What has he given you in this season? It may be having to work a job that you aren't crazy passionate about for a little while (been there!), or maybe it's a passion that He wants you to start to develop and grow in by taking little steps toward it, or maybe it's simply taking time to lean into Him and learn how to follow Him even in seasons that don't make sense! That's HUGE!

Whatever it is, steward it well and be faithful with what's in front of you even if it doesn't feel like it's a lot. (Luke 16:10)Think about the things that you absolutely love doing, that you couldn't imagine your life without and begin to steward those things and put time into learning/growing in them. Take workshops, read about them, find a mentor in your field & start trying them! It may happen when you get home from work, or on lunch breaks- but I promise He will be faithful to mold you and then open opportunities if you  keep Him first & trust your process.

xo, Lanissa

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I so hope this encouraged and challenged you a bit in your season of Job Searching! God is in you, He has a hope & a future for you- take time talking to Him about what your next step should be in this season!

What have you found most difficult in your season of Job Searching & what encouraged you above?! Comment below & let's do this journey together, friends!

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